Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I have just been reading a superb article by Melanie Philips about the "Siege Of Camp Ashraf" in Iraq. This is not a US or Allied military base, it is the HQ of an organisation which escaped Iran because they were opposed to the fundamentalist regime there and had been fighting against it. During the gulf war, they gave their support to the USA and voluntarily disarmed themselves. Giving their security over to the protection of the US.

One US security company (read mercenary group) said....

Camp Ashraf

The Mujahedin el-Khalq (MKO or MEK) main base is at Camp Ashraf, Iraq, about 100 kilometers west of the Iranian border and 60 kilometers north of Baghdad. The People's Mujahadeen, also known by its Persian name Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), has been classified by Washington as a terrorist organization. Washington announced on 22 April 2003 that it had reached a ceasefire with the MEK. The next day MEK officials said the agreement allowed the MEK to keep its weapons and carry on its activities in Iran from Camp Ashraf. But June 2003 the US Military Police took control of Camp Ashraf and the MEK was consolidated and all weapons secured by MPs. As of September 2003 the 4,000 MEK members in the former Mujahedeen base were consolidated, detained, disarmed and were being screened for any past terrorist acts.

The 530th MP Battalion, maintained the MEK Detention Facility at Camp Ashraf.

Wheras this video on You Tube gives a different picture!

Video Link

Now the good old US has done the dirty on them (there's a surprise) and handed their protection over to the Iraqis. Who have abducted 36 of them murdered 11 and put the camp under siege.........

This is an event which will be and has been ignored by the mainstream media, however, it is very telling as to who controls the Iraqi Military. Ask yourself the question, if the USA are in charge of the Iraqi Military, why would they lay siege to a group of people whose opposition is to the regime in Iran? Whereas if the Iraqi government and military is actually heavily infiltrated by Shia's and Iranians, it is in their interests to remove the residents of camp Ashraf from the face of the planet.

Methinks the takeover of Iraq by the Iranians will be merely a formality once the Allies pull out, god help the poor ordinary Iraqis. From one dictatorship to another, with merely a brief period of blood letting and carnage in between.

So this is civilisation?

Will someone stop the bus I want to get off..............

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